Wednesday 31 December 2014

King Cake

The dessert that we recommend you to celebrate the Epiphany is the King cake, also called kingcake, kings’ cake or three kings cake.

It's a sweet bun, in the shape of a hollow circle, made with colourful candied fruit that you can find not stuffed or with cream, truffle or chocolate.

It is a tradition in many countries to eat it as a dessert or afternoon snack on January 6th, closing the last of the Christmas celebrations, despite not having a religious origin.

It seems that this cake was already prepared for the Roman Saturnalia (in the second century BC), dedicated to the god Saturn (god of agriculture and harvest), when it was celebrated that the days began to grow longer, after the winter solstice.

Since then a dry bean is hidden into the cake and subsequently it is also included a small figure. In its beginnings who receives the dry bean in his/her portion of bun was named king of kings for the day, but with the introduction of the figurine and to date, who receives the bean will be the one to pay the cake and who receives the figurine will be the king of kings that day.

Who will be King of Kings this year?

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