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Monday 30 June 2014

San Fermin 2014 Festival

Only five days left to San Fermin 2014 Festival! The beginning of the festivities will take place on July 6th at 12:00 am with the traditional "txupinazo" and the end of them took place on July 14th at 12:00 pm with the traditional song "Pobre de mí" (Poor me).

During this week, 443 events are scheduled, most of them are related to music: concerts, bands and dance festivals. Besides, there will also be events related children, bullfighting and sporting. To follow every day what happens, here you are the link of the program (Program 2014).


With the arrival of good weather we recommend using the bike, not only for doing sports but also as a means of daily transportation. It is very comfortable, sustainable, efficient and in many cases it saves time, because with it we avoid traffic jams and find somewhere to park.

Many cities already have a system of public bikes. This is a great way to explore any city, so if you plan to travel you can consult if the city where you are going to go have this option, and if so, what you must do in order to rent it.

Additionally you can check the following link:

Here you can check the worldwide map of public bike rental. Its creator is Oliver O'Brien, and offers real-time data, but only from the main systems of public bike rental in the World.

If your city does not have this system and you do not have much space at home you can also use folding bikes, which are very comfortable, that open and close in less than a minute, and take up very little.

Cheer up, choose the option that you like, and enjoy the bike!

Do you want to see all our posts related to bikes? Click here

Friday 27 June 2014

Magic tricks

Do you believe in magic?

Here you are a summary of the links with our "magic" proposals: Abracadabra, magic decoration, black and white icecream and coffee liquor.  






During this week we posted some proposals related to beer, like recommendations, plans and gifts. Also some interesting benefits of beer which were analyzed by the International Symposium about Beer and Health. 

Here there are the links to all those posts that we have published these days:

Thursday 26 June 2014

Coffee liquour

To do not lose detail the magic trick, we propose you a digestive drink: coffee liquour.

It is a liquour made with coffee, sugar and brandy or grape, which can be drunk alone or as an ingredient in desserts and cocktails. 
This drink was originated in Jamaica, during the seventeenth century.
Currently this coffe liquior is very popular in Galicia, which is a region located in the Northwestern of Spain, where it is considered a traditional liquor.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Micro-brewed beer

If you wish to make an original gift for someone who likes beer, we propose you a machine to make your own craft beer. 

We have tested the machine for microbrewery Braumeister 20/50 liters and we found it very interesting. 

The process is very simple. Broadly, the following steps are taken: 

  • First the water and barley are added. Depending on the type of the beer that you want to make, temperatures and time are programmed; 
  • Then it is added the variety of hop, for the beer that you want to produce; 
  • Finally, the mixture is poured into an large can for fermentation and the yeast is added. This can is covered to ferment the adequate time for the type of beer that you want to make. 
Its price is around € 1,500. 

Below some pictures of the machine to give you an idea.

Do you want to see all our posts related to beer? Click here

Beer Tasting

The plan that we recommend you this week is to enjoy a beer tasting. Surely you know the difference between blonde or dark beers, but would you be able to tell a scout from a porter or from a brune?, and one blonde from a pilsner or from a lager?.

In a tasting the appearance of the beer is analyzed, which mainly consists of its head, body, color and temperature.

Also its aroma. We know that the main ingredients of beers are barley, water, hops and yeast, therefore the aroma depends on those ingredients and their characteristics. For example, depending on the type of malt we can recognize, among other smells, cake, chocolate, honey or even coffee. Hops brings fruit and herbaceous aromas, but it can also provide wood aromas. Sulfur or spicy smells are provided by the yeast.

The taste and mouthfeel are the next steps in a tasting. Here we can identify additional aromas and of course the sweetness and bitterness that barley and hops provide.

We encourage you to go to a beer tasting and to let yourself be surprised by the feelings that this experience will provide you!

Do you want to see all our posts related to beer? Click here

Cookies & cream icecream

Following with the more representative colors of magic, black and white, we propose you a delicious dessert: cookies and cream icecream.

Give it your magic touch with two oreo biscuits....mummm






Monday 23 June 2014

Magic decoration

Here you are a very simple decor with foamy: pencil cup.

All you need are red, white and black sheets of foamy, scissors, glue and a pencil cup:

1.- Cover the pencil cup with white foamy;
2.- Make figures of hearts and diamonds with red foamy and spades and shamrocks with black foamy;
3.- Paste with glue all the figures to the pencil cup.


Beer Store - Beer Hall in Madrid

A few weeks ago we found a nice store in the Northwest of Madrid, which houses and sells hundreds of beers, from over 100 varieties, in a warm place to the lucky ones who can visit it.

This place, "El Cervecero", charms to those who go, because from the moment you cross the door you feel like you're in one of those places where you feel simply "at ease". 

Although it is not a typical bar, there you can taste different beers on tap that the owner acquires and that changes periodically, as if it were small tastings. 

They have an online store, but certainly what we recommend you is to visit it and choose your favorite beers, some new and others that they can advise you. 

To give you an idea, below some pictures of the store that we have obtained from their website:

Do you want to see all our posts related to beer? Click here

Sunday 22 June 2014


The magic is defined as a performing art, or show skill and ingenuity, which consists in making effects that are wonderful and inexplicable appearance, but it is unknown how they are produced.

From childhood, magic has surprised us with their spectacular tricks and secrets, which is why it is one of the best shows you can see, it allows space to the imagination, see different things and enters the viewer into an unexpected world full of fantasy and dreams that remain forever in the mind.

"People who do not believe in magic, they will never find it".- Roald Dahl


"Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza.(Dave Barry)

Our recommendation for this week is beer, of which regular and moderate drinking is healthy. Its benefits range from a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, to positive effects on bone mineral density provided by the nutrients of the beer.

Those benefits are analyzed and discussed in the International Symposiums about Beer and Health which are held periodically.

Some of the most interesting comments for us from these symposiums are:
  • Moderate consumers have a lower risk of mortality than both abstainers and excessive consumers. Moderate consumption is considered as no more than two beers a day for men and one for women;
  • Beer is part of the Mediterranean Diet, which was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO;
  • At least in healthy, young adults, beer in moderate amounts is as effective as water for rehydration and recovery after exercise. 

Although what we really like about beer is its taste, low alcohol, how refreshing it is, how well it accompanies any food, and the wide variety that it is available anywhere.

The most common beers are: Larger, Pilsner, Pale Ale, Porter and Stout. Choose yours and enjoy!

Do you want to see all our posts related to beer? Click here

Friday 20 June 2014

Waterfalls summary

Here you are the summary of our links with our proposals to Waterfalls.






Night of Saint John summary

Next June 24th is the magical night of Saint John, have you already decided your wishes?

Here the links to all our posts about this amazing event!



Thursday 19 June 2014

Flambé bananas

The dessert that we recommend 
you inspired by the bonfires 
of the night of Saint John 
is flambé banana. 

It is very easy to do, in a frying pan melt a bit of butter, then brown the bananas (previously cut). 

Then dish up, pour a squirt of brandy,


and if you want, accompany them with chocolate syrup:

Do you want to see all our posts related to the Night of Saint John? Click here                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          


Chocolate fondue

Chocolate is my weakness... so I propose a delicious dessert: chocolate fondue waterfall.

There are several sizes of waterfalls depending on the type of event. The big ones are great for parties or weddings and the smaller ones for snacks or dinner at home.

Choose your favorite chocolate and fruit and enjoy it!


Tuesday 17 June 2014


The drink that we recommend you for the night of Saint John is "queimada". This is a Galician drink, of unknown origin although it is attributed a Celtic origin. 

It is a warm beverage, which is drunk after pronouncing a spell that protects against spells and move away evil spirits, witches and other evil beings. 

It is prepared in a clay pot, where it is added a 1 liter of "orujo" (a galician hard liquor), 120 grams of sugar, lemon (peel and pieces) and a few coffee beans. After, the mixture is stirred. 

Then, put on a separate ladle a bit of "orujo" and set it fire, then, slowly, pour the liquid into the clay pot to burn the mixture and stir it until the flame acquires a reddish color and the fire is putting out. It's at this time (still burning) when you must recite the spell. Later serve it.

Following, the spell in English and Galician:


Owls, barn owls, toads and witches.
Demons, goblins and devils,
spirits of the misty vales.
Crows, salamanders and witches,
charms of the folk healer(ess).

Rotten pierced canes,
home of worms and vermin.

Wisps of the Holy Company,
evil eye, black witchcraft,
scent of the dead, thunder and lightning.

Howl of the dog, omen of death,
maws of the satyr and foot of the rabbit.

Sinful tongue of the bad woman
married to an old man.

Satan and Beelzebub's Inferno,
fire of the burning corpses,
mutilated bodies of the indecent ones,
farts of the asses of doom,
bellow of the enraged sea.

Useless belly of the unmarried woman,
speech of the cats in heat,
dirty turf of the wicked born goat.

With this bellows I will pump
the flames of this fire
which looks like that from Hell,
and witches will flee,
straddling their brooms,
going to bathe in the beach
of the thick sands.

Hear! Hear the roars
of those that cannot
stop burning in the firewater,
becoming so purified.

And when this beverage
goes down our throats,
we will get free of the evil
of our soul and of any charm.

Forces of air, earth, sea and fire,
to you I make this call:
if it's true that you have more power
than people,
here and now, make the spirits
of the friends who are outside,
take part with us in this Queimada.


Mouchos, coruxas, sapos e bruxas;
demos, trasnos e diaños;
espíritos das neboadas veigas,
corvos, pintegas e meigas;
rabo ergueito de gato negro
e todos os feitizos das menciñeiras...
Podres cañotas furadas,
fogar de vermes e alimañas,
lume da Santa Compaña,
mal de ollo, negros meigallos;
cheiro dos mortos, tronos e raios;
fuciño de sátiro e pé de coello;
ladrar de raposo, rabiño de martuxa,
oubeo de can, pregoeiro da morte...
Pecadora lingua de mala muller
casada cun home vello;
Averno de Satán e Belcebú,
lume de cadáveres ardentes,
lumes fatuos da noite de San Silvestre,
corpos mutilados dos indecentes,
e peidos dos infernais cus...
Bruar da mar embravecida,
agoiro de naufraxios,
barriga machorra de muller ceibe,
miañar de gatos que andan á xaneira,
guedella porca de cabra mal parida
e cornos retortos de castrón...
Con este cazo
levantarei as chamas deste lume
que se asemella ao do inferno
e as meigas ficarán purificadas
de tódalas súas maldades.
Algunhas fuxirán
a cabalo das súas escobas
para iren se asulagar
no mar de Fisterra.
Ouvide! Escoitade estos ruxidos...!
Son as bruxas que están a purificarse
nestas chamas espiritosas...
E cando este gorentoso brebaxe
baixe polas nosas gorxas,
tamen todos nós quedaremos libres
dos males da nosa alma
e de todo embruxamento.
Forzas do ar, terra, mar e lume!
a vós fago esta chamada:
se é verdade que tendes máis poder
ca humana xente,
limpade de maldades a nosa terra
e facede que aquí e agora
os espiritos dos amigos ausentes
compartan con nós esta queimada.

Do you want to see all our posts related to the Night of Saint John? Click here